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Illness in School

When a child is in school the school takes full responsibility for the child’s welfare. This is known as acting “in loco parentis” or in place of the parent. If your child becomes unwell or has an accident we will contact you as soon as possible. If urgent medical attention is required then the school will arrange for them to be taken to hospital. Other small injuries will be attended to by members of staff.

Children do not like being in school when they are ill and it is very important that we can contact you quickly. Please make sure that we always have an up to date emergency contact number for at least two people. If this changes, just let the office know.


It is best to avoid children having medicine in school if possible. However, if it is necessary for children to take medicines in school, parents should complete a form that is available in the office and hand the form and the medicine into the school office. Please remember that the medicine must be labelled with your child’s name and times and dosages given.

Head Injuries

If a child has banged their head in school, we will let you know. This is not to alarm you but to alert you. Sometimes these kinds of injuries deteriorate and children need medical attention. If you know about the banged head you are in a better position to deal with any problems later.

Medical Information

Please keep us informed of any serious or recurring medical problems or allergies your child may have.

Head Lice

Head lice are a common problem in all schools. The recommended procedure for dealing with this is to wash you child’s hair as normal and then use conditioner on it. While the conditioner is on the hair use a fine comb and comb thoroughly from the scalp to the ends. This breaks the legs of the head lice and stops them from breeding. If this is done every time you wash your child’s hair the head lice will keep away. If you have any queries about head lice or their treatment you can talk to the school nurse. Her number is available in the office.

Drinking Water

Children are encouraged to drink water at school and have access to chilled water in each of the teaching areas. It has been proved that the performance of children’s brains deteriorates if they don’t drink enough of it. Children should bring in water bottles and take them home daily for cleaning. Water bottles are also sold in the school office for 75p.

The School Nurse

From time to time your children may be invited to a medical or dental check-up. These checks are to make sure that the children are developing as they should and to detect any medical problems early. They are for the well being of the children. These check-ups no longer happen routinely but take place only on request from a teacher or a parent. If you have any medical concerns about your child that involve school and want your child to see the school nurse please let us know.

Infectious Diseases

A list of common illnesses is on the school website for you to consult. If there is an outbreak of an infectious disease then the school will do all it can to minimise this. This may include cleaning and disinfecting. You can help by making sure your children know the importance of washing their hands after using the toilet and before meals.


We teach children about a variety of aspects of safety such as road safety, stranger danger, river safety and safety on railways. It is important to give them as much information as possible without making them feel unsafe or in immediate danger. As part of their curriculum work they are also taught about electricity, safety in the kitchen and keeping safe online, etc.

Risk assessments are carried out whenever children take part in something which is not part of the normal school day (e.g. on school trips, visits etc)