After-school, clubs make a major contribution to the life of Geoffrey Field school, as we believe in a rounded and full education where every child can succeed. Many of our clubs are funded by school or kept at as low cost as possible.
We provide a wide range of clubs run by a combination of our teachers, teaching assistants, wider school staff and professional coaches. The clubs normally run for a period of 10 weeks and children apply to join them by working with parents to complete the online booking form at home. This term we have 20 clubs available for children to sign up to with some really exciting new additions.
Children will receive a newsletter outlining what clubs are available. The booking for clubs is done through ParentMail, where payment needs to be made to secure your place. This booking system is open for a week – but places do go quickly!
We aim to try and encourage every child to attend at least 1 club across the year. We are always keen to hear the children’s ideas about what they would like to see on the club options and always do our best to find someone to run these.