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Our Ethos & Values

Our School Ethos

“All Learning Together”

At Geoffrey Field Junior School, we believe that all children learn best together in a positive and caring environment. An environment where they can feel safe, listened to, valued and treated with respect. 

Our school motto is “all learning together”. We have an ambitious, inclusive and individualised curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils and that provides challenges for all children at a level that is appropriate for them. Our expectations are high and an emphasis is placed on pupils becoming confident and fluent in the foundational skills of Maths, English and oracy as well as the wider curriculum offered. We promote a growth mindset and model that everyone is constantly learning. Our mistakes are encouraged and shared as these are our opportunities to reflect and learn.  

Every child is different and every child has the right to feel heard. Therefore, we prioritise the choices and opportunities we offer our pupils, helping to foster their interests beyond the curriculum. Our programme of school clubs, pupil groups and enriching curriculum experiences inspire, develop and empower our pupils.  We aim to provide opportunities in which everyone can excel and feel success

Our school is a vital step for all pupils in becoming successful and fulfilled members of our community.  We are not only preparing them for their next school but for adulthood and life in the wider world beyond education. We want our children to be independent and confident life-long learners who can make responsible choices and take full advantage of the opportunities that life offers them both now and in the future. We are proud to be part of our Whitley community and this is encouraged in our localised curriculum. 

To support our children in becoming confident citizens, our teaching and learning is underpinned by our five core values of kindness, responsibility, honesty, resilience and respect. These values are interwoven throughout our entire curriculum and you will see any member of our community modelling them daily when you are in school. Everyone is expected to demonstrate these values in their learning and social interactions with any peers, parents or staff.

Our Values

At the very core of everything we do at Geoffrey Field are our five key values. They underpin our teaching and learning, and create a positive learning environment that prepares our pupils to play an active part in the wider world.

Kindness-Treating everyone with care
Responsibility- Taking ownership of your own learning, learning resources and behaviour towards others
Honesty-Always being truthful and trustworthy, even when it is the hardest choice
Resilience-Not giving up when things are challenging
Respect-Treating others in the way you would want to be treated

Through our school ambassadors, such as our school council, eco club and digital leaders, we focus on these values to create an environment where our differences are valued, celebrated and nurtured. No one should ever feel left out or like an outsider in our community. All members of our school family understand that they have a voice and we can all respectfully speak up and support the wellbeing of others. We are a school where bullying, discrimination, harassment or violence is never tolerated. 

Our values are evident in the manner in which pupils and staff conduct themselves and interact with each other on a daily basis; however, we also build in opportunities to celebrate individual values.  Each month we focus on a particular value linked to cultural, religious and world events that coincide. Whole school, area and class assemblies give pupils an opportunity to reflect on how we can all demonstrate the school value within their own actions.

We actively recognise and celebrate children who have demonstrated one of our school values each day and in our special fortnightly assemblies.  Staff nominate up to two children who they would like to recognise for displaying one of our values.  We will share this with you when your child is selected, as we believe developing our character and integrity is an achievement worth celebrating.

Allowing pupils opportunities to reflect on their own experiences and learning provides a crucial element of our school values.  Therefore, pupils are given opportunities to reflect on how well they have demonstrated school values in the classroom, at home and through the wealth of extracurricular opportunities offered.  This self-review gives pupils not only a good model for how to develop particular values within themselves, but at the end of the year, an opportunity to celebrate their own and others’ achievements.

We are proud to be Geoffrey Field Junior School.